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Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation:
With special notes and features appealing to women's interest, highlighting women throughout Scripture, and capturing the unique ways Christ cares for women, the NKJV Woman's Study Bible truly speaks to a woman's heart. With contributions from more than 80 women from a wide variety of ethnic, denominational, educational, and occupational backgrounds, this Bible combines excellent scholarship and spiritual mentorship. Now with a fresh, new look, the NKJV Woman's Study Bible's timeless content remains as relevant as ever to women today.
Beautiful full-color design throughoutDetailed biographical portraits of over 100 biblical womenThousands of extensive verse-by-verse study notesOver 300 in-text topical articles on relevant issuesInsightful essays by women who are recognized experts in the fields of theology, biblical studies, archaeology, and philosophyBook introductions and outlinesHundreds of full-color in-text maps, charts, timelines, and family treesQuotes from godly women throughout historySet of full-page maps of the biblical worldTopical indexConcordance10.5-point type size
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